Brian Tabox’s four-hour drive in Los Angeles traffic to meet with Dr. Howard Sartin, a psychologist best known for devising an approach for handicapping horse races, demonstrated his flexibility and commitment. The trip was part of his efforts to help retirement investors and provided Brian with valuable insight. Dr. Sartin told Brian that the surveys […]
New Compelling Evidence of Anti-Innovation Bias
If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? A recent study by the Sunwater Institute “Patent Quality in the United States, Findings and Suggestions for Policy Makers” should have landed with a deafening sound but has been largely ignored. It finds that the […]
A Wall Street Redux And The Patent Eligibility Restoration Act
Background/History Financial services firms (Wall Street) have long argued that they should be exempt from the rules applicable to others. They have showered their champions in Congress with large campaign contributions in return for special exemptions. The role of Senator Schumer in this connection is discussed in the New York Times in an article titled […]