The Foundation of Innovation: Why Was Patent Protection Enshrined in the US Constitution?

In the intricate framework of America’s founding documents, patent protection holds a specific and distinct place, reflecting the wise foresight of the founding fathers of our great country. The prominence of patent protection in the US Constitution was no afterthought; on the contrary, it emerged as a pivotal instrument to foster innovation, promote progress, and […]


Heads I Win, Tails You Lose: How the USPTO Retains their Ill-gotten Gains (Part II)

As we are well aware, the patent examination process is complex. USPTO personnel, USPTO technology, inventors, and patent applicants can and do make mistakes. Regardless of how an error arises, there should be a workable, reliable, and consistent petition process to address and correct errors. When it comes to financial mistakes, 35 USC 42(d) authorizes. […]


Corporate Lobbyists Pushing Harmful Laws on Genuine Inventors

Fake Inventors Pushing Bad Law for Real Inventors After eleven years walking the halls of Congress, I’ve learned a few things. The most important is that more than half the members of Congress are good people who look out for their constituents. They value feedback and try to improve the lives of the people they […]


Highway Robbery: How the USPTO Pockets Excess Filing Fees (Part I)

$15,880 Gone! $13,900 Missing! $13,540 Taken! $17,120 Lifted! $6,390 Pilfered! $8,300 Borrowed! This article is dedicated to inventors and IP practitioners who have checked their USPTO deposit accounts only to realize “we’ve been robbed!”  Unlike the burglar who stealthily snuck into Steve Martin and John Candy’s motel room in Planes, Trains and Automobiles under the […]


Dear Congress, the PTAB Hinders Innovation and Threatens National Security

The Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) effectively invalidates 84% of the patents it fully adjudicates. That fact comes directly from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s (USPTO) PTAB Trial Statistics FY23 End of Year Outcome. This astronomical PTAB invalidation rate has effectively shut down investment in early-stage startups, particularly in vital sectors that require […]


Shut Up! Denied Right to Defend Your Rights

Inventors naturally solve problems that others have not. Tom Waugh had a successful business in Alabama, providing fittings and parts for utility poles and electrical systems. Utility poles must be strong and durable, especially tall ones with many lines. The metal utility poles that existed before Tom got involved required taking large sheets of metal […]


New Legislation that Restores America’s Leadership in Innovation

On April 26, 2024, Representatives Thomas Massie and Marcy Kaptur introduced the Restoring America’s Leadership in Innovation Act (RALIA) in the House Judiciary IP Subcommittee. RALIA is one of those rare bills that actually does what its title says it does. RALIA restores America’s leadership in innovation, which is very much in the interest of […]


A Wall Street Redux And The Patent Eligibility Restoration Act

Background/History Financial services firms (Wall Street) have long argued that they should be exempt from the rules applicable to others. They have showered their champions in Congress with large campaign contributions in return for special exemptions. The role of Senator Schumer in this connection is discussed in the New York Times in an article titled […]


Apple Goes To Amazing Lengths To Destroy Inventors

It used to be that a biometric sensor wouldn’t work on a moving body. A heart sensor would only work on a motionless person, like a patient in a coma. The solution that solved this problem was invented and patented by Dr. Steven LeBeouf. Dr. LeBeouf, who has a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering (no small […]