Bad Patents: The Political Narrative Driving PERA

Over the last twenty years, Big Tech drove what is probably the most effective political narrative in history into the collective mind of all three branches of government. Patent trolls, they exclaimed, are destroying innovation, and only the government can save America.  As a result, all three branches of government gutted the patent system. Lawmakers, […]


13 Unelected People Have Destroyed U.S. Innovation

Thousands of years of human history have taught us that a just political system is not possible without separating power. No one should ever have total power over any one thing. When power is concentrated in the hands of too few people, those in power invariably become corrupt. Often corruption is born in bias created […]


China, the Once Great Silicon Valley, and the Petri Dish Effect

My dad worked at Fairchild from the late 1950’s through the 1960’s. His second level boss was Robert Noyce, the inventor of planar technology, which placed my dad on the team that put the first integrated circuit into mass production. Noyce left Fairchild to start up Intel in 1968. Shortly afterwards, Noyce offered my dad […]


Sounding the Alarm at the MIT Technology Licensing Office.

MIT Media Lab Innovator Gauri Nanda—Inventor of Clocky®—Needs TLO Support. Technology transfer plays a critical role in technological progress and innovation. Universities and university-based researchers are responsible for creating some of this country’s most important technological innovations. The internet browser (Netscape), the internet search engine (Google), and numerous biotechnologies all were developed at U.S. universities.  […]


PERA is Dangerous to U.S. Innovation.

What is the public policy justification to restrict US innovation in ways that no other country does?  No legislation should be introduced without a fully debated and clearly articulated public policy justification. To do so is bad lawmaking that brings dangerous consequences. A prime example of bad lawmaking is the America Invents Act of 2011 […]


Bite The Beast Until It Moves.

The Power within Our History Throughout American history, there has been a perpetual struggle between the small guys and the big guys. These stories have shaped our nation’s narrative, creating David v. Goliath stories, shedding light on corruption that exists within governments, monopolies, and foreign entities, and driving protests to enact change. From the early […]


Masimo v. Apple: Legal Update Regarding Stay of ITC Orders.

The United States International Trade Commission (ITC) recently granted remedial orders in the hotly contested, and widely followed, Section 337 investigation involving Masimo Corp. and Apple. Certain Light-Based Physiological Measurement Devices and Components Thereof, Inv. No. 337-TA-1276. In that investigation, Masimo sought to exclude Apple’s Apple Watch from importation to the U.S. on the basis […]


PREVAIL’s Standing Language is Not a Standing Requirement.

In June 2023, the Promoting and Respecting Economically Vital American Innovation Leadership (PREVAIL) Act was introduced in the Senate and the House (S.2220 and H.R.4370) to address the extraordinary cost and absurdly high patent invalidation rate of the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB).   The PTAB, created by the America Invents Act of 2011 (AIA), […]