Multi-Billion-Dollar, Life-saving Inventor Invalidated

Not that long ago, replacing a heart valve required a complicated surgery. You had to have your chest opened, and your heart stopped. You had to be in pretty good shape to be allowed to receive this surgery, and even so, approximately 20% of the recipients died from the surgery. Things are quite different now […]


Another Approach to Protecting Inventors’ Rights

Gearheads and grease monkeys (and those who love them) have been drawn to Clock9nine’s stunning works of applied art, crafted from vintage automotive parts. It all started in 2020 when founder Matt Zufelt pulled the old nylon-toothed gear set out of his ‘78 Lincoln Continental while rebuilding the engine. “It looked so cool,” he couldn’t […]


USPTO Obviousness Guidance: An Opportunity for Inventors

Recently, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) issued updated guidance to agency employees on the proper application of obviousness doctrine when determining patent validity. As a representative of America’s inventor community who has strongly opposed certain developments at the USPTO, I want to express my gratitude to Director Vidal for her work in clarifying […]


Down But Not Out, IPwe Looks to Restructure

A Shoutout to IPwe IPwe was capitalism at its most pure, and it was a noble and honorable effort by Erich Spangenberg, founder of IPwe, to attempt to build a better marketplace for patents. After years of using his asymmetrical edge in the patent system to accrue hundreds of millions in patent licensing and litigation […]


Hopelessly Inexperienced PTAB Judges are Destroying U.S. Innovation

In December 2023, the Senate IP Subcommittee held a hearing on the Promoting and Respecting Economically Vital American Innovation Leadership Act, S.2220 (PREVAIL), which affects the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB).  The PTAB is an appalling failure, invalidating 84% of the patents it fully adjudicates, thereby unleashing massive predatory infringement of small entity patents […]


China Uses the USPTO to Take a Critical Minerals Market

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has perfected the art of stealing U.S. technologies and taking control of entire markets. Their methods range from the well-known, like forced technology transfers or outright stealing technology, to more subtle methods like enlisting the U.S. government to destroy U.S. company patents, clearing the way for the CCP to dominate […]


Royale Enamel Petitions The Director To Stop Fraud And Injustice In The Trademark System

When an administrative body like the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) or the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) issues an unjust and unfair decision that robs the owner of intellectual property (IP) of a valuable property right there is little recourse. In certain circumstances, the IP owner can appeal by filing a case […]


The Constitution’s Momentous Innovation Clause & the Ceding of American Economic Exceptionalism

Case of Administrative Overreach and AIA Harming of National Prosperity and Security The U.S.  Constitution grants a paramount and inalienable right in Article 1 Section 8 Clause 8, Authors and Inventors Clause (Innovation Clause).  It represents the most vital and lasting contribution of our Founding Fathers to the cause of Liberty.  This unique and sole […]


Bad Patents: The Political Narrative Driving PERA

Over the last twenty years, Big Tech drove what is probably the most effective political narrative in history into the collective mind of all three branches of government. Patent trolls, they exclaimed, are destroying innovation, and only the government can save America.  As a result, all three branches of government gutted the patent system. Lawmakers, […]